More than 15 million households rely on well water in the US. 对于井水专业人士来说,所有这些井都提供了一个有吸引力的方式来扩大你的业务.

想象一下,如果你可以用你挖的井的一小部分来做常规的年度业务. 定期服务和维护合同为您的业务提供经常性收入,并帮助您平衡淡季期间的收入下降.

建立经常性业务的一种方法是提供水处理服务. 这是一个自然适合你的主要服务线,可以营销到你现有的客户名单.

Regular Water Testing

The U.S. 环境保护署建议井主每年对水进行检测. Unfortunately, few do – largely because it’s inconvenient. 没有人提醒他们测试他们的水,或者带着测试工具出现.

When you offer that service, 你不仅发展了你的业务——你还向客户展示了你关心他们的家庭和他们的健康.

井主应该每年检查一次他们的井是否有大肠菌群, nitrates, total dissolved solids, and pH levels. CDC还建议在发生以下任何情况时进行井测试:

  • There are known problems with well water in the area
  • The homeowner has experienced problems near their well (e.g., flooding, land disturbances)
  • Any part of the well system is repaired or replaced
  • There’s a noticeable change in water quality (e.g., taste, color, odor)

If you’re a well professional, 你可以主动提醒你的客户,鼓励他们检测井水. 一些公司甚至会为客户制定年度测试计划,定期进行井测试, expected part of a homeowner’s maintenance routine.

Well Water Treatment

一旦你确定了你的客户正在经历的水问题, 你可以提供一个系统,使水恢复到适当的健康和舒适的水平. 井中常见的水质问题包括硬水、铁、低pH值(酸性水)和硫.

Well water can also become polluted through failed septic tanks, fertilizers, pesticides, and runoff from landfills or urban areas. Unlike hard water, iron, and sulfur problems, which are noticeable to homeowners, these contaminants usually go undetected – until someone gets sick!

Why Well Owners Like Crystal-Right

Crystal-Right系统很受欢迎,因为它们有能力一次处理三种常见的井水问题. 365体育APP下载可以在一个系统中处理硬度,铁和低pH值,用一个足迹.

多功能的能力提供了一个独特的竞争优势. 在这种情况下,竞争对手需要安装水软化剂来降低硬度, a filter for iron and manganese, 和酸性中和剂来提高pH值——所有Water-Right经销商需要做的就是在介质床上安装一个使用Crystal-Right的系统.

In fact, 向房主推销这个产品的最大障碍之一是让他们相信一个单元真的可以解决所有这些问题. It almost seems too good to be true.

    • Crystal-Right advantage #1: Better Capacity for Iron and Manganese
      Many wells are high in iron and manganese. These minerals can give drinking water a metallic taste, stain laundry, and cause clogs and buildup in plumbing fixtures.But traditional water softener resins attract calcium best. First they attract calcium, then iron, then manganese. 所以在高铁或高锰的情况下,软水器必须补偿. 系统需要更频繁地再生,这样树脂才有空间容纳这些矿物质.But Crystal-Right has the opposite attraction properties. First it loves manganese, then iron, then hardness. 这使得Crystal-Right成为含有高浓度铁和锰的水的更好选择.
    • Crystal-Right advantage #2: Treat Low pH Without Adding Hardness
      When you have low pH water (i.e. acid water) that water is “hungry” for soft minerals. 在一些家庭中,低pH值的水会从铜或铅管道中吸收这些矿物质. Over time, low pH water will deteriorate pipes and fixtures, causing pinhole leaks and blue/green staining.为了处理低pH值,传统的水处理系统会使水硬化. 从本质上讲,他们必须让水变得“更糟”才能让它变得更好. 但Crystal-Right的工作原理不同,它可以在不增加水硬度的情况下调节pH值.
    • Crystal-Right advantage: #3: Chlorine Tolerant
      水晶右的另一个优势是这些单位可以自我消毒. The media bed can be cleaned using chlorine. Water-Right的氯发生器直接从盐水溶液中产生氯, 在再生的反冲洗过程中对介质进行消毒.
    • Crystal-Right advantage #4: Better Water Texture
      Crystal-Right的过滤和抛光效果不同于软水器. 一些使用软水器的人抱怨他们的水有一种“丝绸”或“肥皂”的感觉. But the chemistry behind Crystal-Right is different. Water doesn’t feel as slippery, 许多伴随软水机长大的人在改用Crystal-Right时都感到惊喜.
    • Crystal-Right advantage #5: Filters Out Particulates
      许多井主需要在他们的软水器前面加一个过滤系统. 这是因为软水机并不是用来过滤颗粒物的. 如果没有过滤,这些微粒就会滞留在系统的储罐和容器中. 另一方面,Crystal-Right同时进行过滤和软化.

Learn More About Crystal-Right

Crystal-Right is a man-made zeolite. 沸石是一种离子交换树脂,用于水处理至少有2000年的历史. (It’s true! 研究人员发现,古玛雅人使用沸石来过滤水中的微生物和重金属.)

Zeolite is a porous alkaline mineral with a negative charge. Since many metals, minerals, and microbes have a positive charge, zeolite attracts those substances like a magnet. 杂质被拉入沸石的多孔结构并被困在那里.

Natural zeolites exist and can be mined. However these formations don’t produce a reliable product. 毕竟,你永远无法确定大自然母亲在天然沸石中添加了什么. 定制设计的Crystal-Right与天然沸石的区别在于365体育APP下载可以监控和控制纯度. 每一批Crystal-Right树脂产生相同的,一致的结果.

Water-Right的姐妹公司Mineral-Right®在堪萨斯州的一个特殊工厂生产Crystal-Right. Today, 365体育APP下载是世界上唯一一家生产水处理专用沸石的厂家, and we export it around the world!

Well Service and Water Treatment Go Hand in Hand

扩展到水处理领域是你为房主提供从井底到玻璃杯底的优质水的机会. 获得晶体正确的沸石晶体可以更容易地提供水处理与一个小的足迹,您的客户会真正欣赏.